Of Lists, Memories and Gougères

🗓 Posted May 23rd, 2020

I am a list person. I never shop without a shopping list. And I never create a shopping list without first having come up with a menu list. So much for my shopping behavior. I turn into a totally different person though when it comes to bartering. Every week after selling cheese at our GreenMarket my vendor friends and I have a little trading orgy going. Cheese buys me - without touching any money or credit card - vegetables and fruits, honey an ...

This One's for You, Mama!

🗓 Posted May 8th, 2020

I am not a sweet person. Well, let me precise that: I do eat and enjoy a bit of good quality chocolate every single day. It's a ritual. But that's about it. I seem to have been born without a sweet tooth. Or have lost it at just around the same time as I did my baby teeth. Ever since my cravings are savory. That's probably why I started dreaming of pizza recently. The week had been a long and complicated one work wise, and at some point I called ...

The Truth behind a Jar of Tomato Sauce

🏷 Tagged under preserving, canning, tomato sauce
🗓 Posted May 1st, 2020

I absolutely love preserving. Any kind of preserving. I pickle and ferment, cook jams and cordials, sugo and sauces - like the one of oven roasted tomatoes I made and am sharing the recipe and photos here. I don't do all of this just because I love to snack on vinegary pink boiled eggs and crunchy kimchi, or because I like to spread fruity-sweet marmalade on thickly buttered bread and perk up my club soda with elderflower sirup. And even though I ...

The Delicious Upsides of a Downtime

🏷 Tagged under baking, meal planning, no food waste
🗓 Posted Feb 25th, 2020

A virus that affects the whole world sucks. Social distancing sucks, too. Uncertainty sucks big time. But complaining and being negative isn't fun, either, and it doesn't make things better. So I decided to focus on the bright side. Not having to be gone from my family and deal with airport crowds almost weekly is very sweet. Having all my boys back home for a change is lovely. Being able to spend much more time in my garden than I usually get to ...